Buy a property in the United States
Buy a property in the US is an interesting process when you have a strong currency, and you are not shot with being affected by a crisis.
If you deal with an agency, expenses will be for you. Becareful with taxes and expenses related to your town or area. Remeber that the US is the country of contrasts, and from one sidewalk to another, taxes can change a lot!
We advise you to take a lawyer, the real estate right is very sophisticated, and you risk to be lost.
Take also a life insurance, because it's not always proposed by banks.
The US is a very litigious country, we advise you to subscribe a third-party insurance which covers a maximum of damages. There are umbrella policies which are very good.
Finally, you will have to choose between co-operative and condominium.
The condominium is like a co-ownership, with communal areas, private areas, quotas...but becareful, quotas vary in function of the floor, the direction.
For example in Miami, expenses are 1/3 more for a high floor with a seaview.
The co-operative is specific to the US. Each owner is a shareholder of a real-estate company. All owners are responsible in the same way. Sometimes it's very difficult to enter into a co-operative because a real board commission judge you before you enter. They can refuse the access to you, without any reason, and can even require some set-up fees.