Buy a property in France

If you prefer own an appartment or a house whereas always paying a rent, please read below.

Looking for a property

If you want to make a business with a jewish people, for kashrut reasons, please visit your ads. Each ad has the entire description of the property, and the phone contact of the seller.


Take a rendez-vous with the seller, and arrive in advance to visit the area, the building, and the whole environment.
In the appartment, look the ceilings, walls, windows and the brightness of the property.
For example, an east/west exposition is better than a north/south one, because rooms located at north are always dark.
Questions you must ask: fireplace is in order? What kind of heat is it? How is the neighbourhood? Is there noise? When is it free? What taxes?
Don't hesitate to ask for a second visit, beware of  dampness!
If you want to buy furnitures to the seller (aven, kitchen, drape...), buy it apart, there won't be notary fees.
Contact the property agent to know more about work and expenses.
If you need to make work, it's about 400 euros/m² for walls and floor, 600€/m² to demolish and put new walls. 3000 € to make a new bathroom.
Or course you can visit the property with a renovation company to know exactly the amount.

Si all is ok, the last step is the price. You can make an offer less that the price of the seller, but don't try to do the best deal for you, because, when you negociate too much, the property will be given to somebody else!


The provisional sales agreement is the first thing to sign. It forces the seller to be engaged untill the date written on it. You have to wait in average 3 months to have your own property. You have to pay 10% of the amount of the transaction when you sign the provisional sales agreement. You are now engaged too (otherwise you loose the 10%).
Notary fees are between 7% and 9% of the amount of the transaction. The only one who pay is the buyer.
When you sign with the nottary, he will give you immediatly the keys.

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