Rent a property in France
It's not the same for furnished or unfurnished rental. It's more difficult to recover your property when the rental is without furnitures since the tenant may stayed for long time.
If your property is already furnished, tenants are supposed to stay less time.
The law
The lease lasts 3 years, renewable. In case of no other option (retire, transfer...) the lease can be of 1 year.
The notice is 6 years. If the owner wants to sell his property, he has to inform the tenant who has priority on the purchase for 2 months.
The tenan can leave noticing it 3 months beforen whenever he wants, or 1 month for working reasons.
The lease is at least 12 months, renewable, or 9 months it it is a student's rental.
The tenant can leave when he wants, noticing it at least 1 month before.
Fix a price
Look carefully ads in your area. If you fix an interesting price, the tenant will want to say a long time and it will be better for you.
The good tenant
If you want to deal with a jewish people, in order to respect the kashrut rules, it's easy: list an ad on our website!
Don't forget to tell about the location, the square, the kind (furnished or not), the number of rooms, the floor... the rent amount and the taxes.
We advise you to make individuals rendez-vous, otherwise, please note the rendez-vous hours in your ad.
Ask the tenant copies of his income, his notice of assessment, and you can require a guarantee (the parents for example). You can even phone to his bank or company in order to verify his solvency.
The lease
Sign an rental agreement. You must give a file which contains the diagnostics. The agreement is quitly simple to write. Fix the amount of rental expenses, about 60% of what you pay.
We advise you to ask a deposit, about one month of rent. You will repay the tenant when he will leave.
Finally, make an inventory of fixtures with the tenant.